3 Smart Ways to Convert Online Visitors to Customers

Three Ways to Convert VisitorsSmart business owners know that high conversion rates are essential. In order to sell products and services, website traffic needs to convert to customers. So what are the key tactics to improve conversion rates?

Why is your opt-in list so important?

It gives you the opportunity to build a relationship with your prospects and turn them into customers. It gives you the permission and the opportunity to connect with them weekly (or more frequently) and provide them with valuable content, promotions and maybe even more giveaways.

Your opt-in list is a list of pre-qualified prospects. By signing up they’ve already told you they’re interested in what you have to offer. This makes your opt-in list process critical to your conversions and increasing your conversions.

Here are three smart ways to entice online visitors to opt in and convert to customers

#1 Make It Easy for Them to Opt in

Whether you’re offering free content to visitors in exchange for their email address or whether you have a product or service for purchase, create a unique page for each offer (whether it’s a page for sales, event registration or lead capture) with clear benefits for signing up and with keywords that visitors are using in their online search. That way each page can be fine tuned to convert that particular prospect. The page should have one clear call to action that you want the visitor to take.

#2 Test and Track Everything

Testing and tracking results is one of the biggest conversion tools. You may have a perfect textbook sales page, but if it isn’t converting then it doesn’t matter how pretty it is. Test your headline, test your call to action, test your testimonials, your price, the colors you use, your font and size. Test everything and fine-tune your page until it’s receiving the conversion rate you want.

#3 Build a relationship with your prospects

The best way to convert visitors to customers is to make them an offer they can’t refuse. Give them something, or many things, for free.

  • Give them books, audios, videos, monthly access to new content limited to members.
  • Give them an online workshop, seminar or course.

Giveaways are an exceptional way to get your customers to do one thing – sign up for your opt-in list.

Take the time to create content that sends people to a landing/opt-in page. And take the time to test and track your results. Sometimes changing a few words in your opt-in offer can make all the difference.

Increasing your conversion rate can mean the difference of thousands of dollars each month. It’s a strategy worth paying attention to, right? With the average customer making two to three purchases annually, a conversion increase of only a few percentage points can equal a whole lot of money. These three smart strategies could be exactly what you’ve been looking for!

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