5 Steps to Kick-Start Your Goal Setting

Goal settingSetting goals is crucial to achieving what you want, in both your business and personal life. I’ve said this before but it bears repeating: If you don’t know where you want to end up, how will you know how to get there?

Here are five important steps to follow to help you achieve your goals.

Step #1 – Get Clear on What You Want to Achieve

The first crucial step is to spend some quiet time and write down exactly what the change or changes will be and why you want them. At this stage, dream big, stretch yourself and write what it is you’d like to achieve and why. The ‘how’s’ and ‘when’s’ can come later.

Step #2 – Create a Mindset of Inner Peace

Achievement of your goals requires having peace through a quiet mind and inner calmness regardless of the chaos around you. When you have this peace you’ll have greater clarity and focus, your creative self will make itself known, you’ll gain foresight into how you will achieve your outcome, and you’ll be able to overcome your limiting beliefs.

The world of alternatives for finding inner peace is huge. To find something you’ll be happy with may take a little research. Ask friends, family members or other members of your community to point you in the right direction, search the Internet, and/or read books.

Step #3 – Gift Yourself with a Fresh Perspective

Looking at things in a totally different way and from a new angle will give you a more global perspective, revealing greater possibilities. Ask yourself what is important to you, and each time you receive an answer delve deeper by asking why that answer is important.

For example, a person doesn’t really want to buy a drill. He wants the drill to drill a hole. But he doesn’t really want a hole, what he wants is to hang a picture. But the reason he wants to hang a picture is to make his home more attractive.

You can see how continuing to answer the “why” reveals the true and ultimate goal. When you can go no further ask yourself how you can make your ultimate goal happen.

Step #4 – Determine How to Achieve Your Goals

Author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Determine what steps you need to take to achieve your goals. You may need to acquire new skills, attend training events, and/or read as much as possible to gain the knowledge you need. You may need to work with a team who can handle things you don’t want to do. Networking can help establish new relationships with people you can collaborate with.

Step #5 – Establish a Measured Outcome

After you know what you need to do to achieve your goal, establish a definite time frame for each step. Goals should be measurable and achievable. If you have a large goal, you can break it out into small steps that are easier to accomplish.

[tweetthis]If you don’t know where you want to end up, how will you know how to get there? 5 ways to set #goals![/tweetthis]

You can achieve goals through inner peace, perseverance, patience, flexibility and sometimes viewing situations from an entirely different angle. Following these steps will help you celebrate in a really, huge way of finally reaching the pot at the end of your rainbow!

What are some of the techniques you use to achieve your goals? I’d love to know in the comments below.

Deidra Miller
Marketing and Administrative Consultant

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