Three Keys to Success in Business

While salesmanship and your knowledge of your company’s products or services are important, success also relies on some far more basic fundamental principles which will determine your success or failure at anything you do in life.

They are your A,B,C’s: Attitude, Belief and Consistency.

Taking them in reverse order:

We get up every morning, we brush our teeth, wash, get dressed, have breakfast. We are consistent in our actions. We do it every day. In the same way we need to be consistent with our tasks associated with our business for the days that we have chosen we are going to work, be it 1 or 7 days a week.

Try this little trick: Keep 6-10 marbles (or whatever works for you) in one place and transfer 1 marble to another place every time you have carried out a positive action, i.e., seeing a customer, talking to someone about the business, etc. Do it consistently. Try to have transferred at least 6 marbles (better still 10) by the end of the day. Concentrate on each action, not on the result.

When we go mountain climbing, if we would continually look at the summit we would soon trip up and fall. We need to concentrate on every step at a time, one after the other and as surely as the sun goes down we will reach our summit.

You need to have an absolute and genuine belief in your business, its products and services and what you can give your customers.

Attitude is possibly the most important of these three but useless on its own. It’s no good having the best attitude in the world if you’re sitting on your own in a closed room not talking to anyone.

Attitude, whether it’s positive or negative, is when your face and body language are totally transparent and what you’re feeling comes through.

I love to go to the theater, there’s nothing like seeing a live performance of a great show. You can tell when the performers are loving every minute of it and giving it their all. Their attitude really shines through like a beacon and makes the audience’s enjoyment total. Conversely, if the performers are just “phoning it in,” the audience knows that too. It’s the same way in your business dealings. The first second that a prospective customer or business colleague sees you, maybe even before you see him or her, your attitude comes through. The other person senses it, even if only subconsciously, and will react accordingly.

So when we get up in the morning and do our consistency things, let’s get a really big warm smile from within, feeling good about ourselves, and keep that all day. When we go about our business we need to keep our good attitude with us. It’s easier to ride a horse in the direction that it’s going. In other words, if you keep a positive attitude, it will make everything else easier to deal with.

So those are my three all important ingredients that determine one’s success or failure at anything in life.

What else do you consider to be a key to success? Leave a comment below.

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